Transliteration of Russian letters
What is a transliteration?
Transliteration is the transfer a word from the alphabet of one language to another. It changes the letters from the word’s original alphabet to similar-sounding letters in a different one. Transliteration helps people pronounce words and names in foreign languages.
You know translations give you the meaning of a word that’s written in another language. But transliteration gives you an idea of how the word is pronounced, by putting it in a familiar alphabet.
Where is using a transliteration?
Transliteration is using widely in writing personal names in other languages, for example in national passports, documents, etc. Transliteration is also helpful when you start to learn new language. You can easier learn the new alphabet.
Let’s see the Russian transliteration in English and German.
Russian Alphabet | Transliteration in English | Transliteration in German |
А | A | A |
Б | B | B |
В | V | W |
Г | G | G |
Д | D | D |
Е | E, YE | E, JE |
Ё | YO | JO |
Ж | ZH | SCH |
З | Z | S |
И | I | I |
Й | Y | J |
К | K | K |
Л | L | L |
М | M | M |
Н | N | N |
О | O | O |
П | P | P |
Р | R | R |
С | S | S, SS |
Т | T | T |
У | U | U |
Ф | F | F |
Х | KH | CH |
Ц | TS | Z |
Ч | CH | TSCH |
Ш | SH | SCH |
Ъ | – | – |
Ы | Y | Y |
Ь | – | – |
Э | E | E |
Ю | YU | JU |
Я | YA | JA |
You can also find your own language transliteration on Internet.